Tag Archives: Dog Food

Dos and Don’ts of Doggie Dining

With the holiday season right around the corner, many households will soon see an increase in home-cooked meals and abundant amount of leftovers. As the amount of table scraps rise, so does the temptation to throw your dog a bone, so to speak. It is the season of giving after all. But before you slice your pup a large piece of pumpkin pie, check out these dos and don’ts of doggie dining.

Remember to use common sense and caution before giving your canine companion any human snacks. Asking a vet is always a great idea, too.

Peace, Love, and Holiday Woofs.

Photo Credits: Dog at Table (Creative Commons), Turkey (Creative Commons), Sweet potato (Creative Commons), Salmon  (Larry Crowe, Associated Press), Carrots  (Larry Crowe, Associated Press), Green beans (Luis Tamayo, Creative Commons), Chocolate (André Karwath, Creative Commons), Onion (Darwin Bell, Creative Commons), Macadamia Nuts (Jessica Merz, Creative Commons), Avocado (Larry Crowe, Associated Press), Grapes (Eric Risberg, Associated Press).